Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tips To Be A Good Snooker Player


One of the best indoor games is Snooker.It is an international game and very popular among the youngsters.There is a cue ball on the table and you have to pot the other balls through this cue ball.Well that was something very basic about the snooker and everyone knows it.There are some techniques or you can say rules through which your game can improve very fast.I learned these techniques from one of the famous international snooker player Steve Davis and these tips helped me alot


First thing is first your stance should be very very good while playing snooker.Like Golf Snooker also requires the perfection of your stance.Now the question is how to stand while playing a shot? The answer is simple,you should stand in a way where you feel very comfortable while playing the shot , you should'nt be too far from the table as you are all of your weight on the table nor should be too close to the table that you are just keeping yourself from falling down.Stand at the appropriate distance with the feet open normaly at 45 degrees,this is very important and it will give you a perfect hold on your shot.Secondly your hips should be towards the direction of the shot.

Your stick should remain parallel to the table all the time

The next thing you need to practice is that your stick should remain parallel to the table all the time while you play the shot.Most of the beginners panic on the shot and they lift the stick up during the shot, this is something very important to understand that you are rolling the cue ball then it should go where you want it to go.The movement of your stick should be very serene,the more you are comfortable the more you are improving

The bridge should be stronge

One thing requires attention here that the bridge you are making with your hand should be strong other wise you will ruin your shot.

Eyes on the target

Take the cue ball as a bullet you are going to fire and consider the stick as your gun now look at the target ball where your cue ball to hit and do not keep looking at the cue ball while playing the shot.When you fire a bullet you don't look exactly at the barrel of your gun but you watch your target through your gun,the same story goes here while playing the shot.

Use mirrors while doing practice

Try to use mirrors around you when you practice your game,keep watching your game yourself,see the professional players how they play what things they avoid and try to build up good habbits because when you are habbitual of a mistake then you make the same mistake again and again

Your elbow should be straight in line with the stick

The benefit of using mirrors is that you can see your style.To play a perfect shot your elbow should be straight inline with your stick when you see yourself in the mirror while playing the shot

Holding the stick-wrist movement

When you hold the stick in your hands make sure you do not hold it too tight,try to open your hand when you pull back stick and close your hand going forward,keep the main idea in mind that the stick you are holding should remain parallel to the table

Head on the stick

Keep your head on the stick to aim for the target ball accurately otherwise you may miss aim the shot no matter how perfect your shot and style is.

Emotions and Confidence

Emotions play vital role in playing snooker,to overcome your pressure is the key to be a successful snooker player.Keep your confidence level up all the time and keep telling yourself that you are the best and you can do anything.

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